* Title
Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms. Others.
* Specialty
Radiology Cardiology Pediatric Cardiology Nuclear Medicine Other
* Degree
M.D. Ph.D. M.D.,Ph.D Others.
* Country / Region
* Member category
- Ordinary Membership - USD50
Ordinary Membership shall be open to all radiologists and cardiologists with a proven interest in practice, teaching or research in cardiovascular imaging, and to other medical practitioners, scientists working in related fields.
Ordinary Members must be able to demonstrate commitment to the practice, teaching or research in cardiovascular imaging and related fields in Asia.
Ordinary Members shall have completed training as a resident and hold a certification of the board from each country in the related field or similar academic and medical qualification or clinical experience to be considered as qualified radiologist or cardiologist. All Ordinary Members shall have the right to vote and to hold office in Executive Committee.
- International Membership - USD50
International Members are those members who spend a majority of their professional practice in cardiovascular imaging or related fields but who live outside Asia. They shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except the right to vote and hold office. They shall be required to pay all dues and assessments. International Members will automatically be transferred to Ordinary Membership when their place of residency changes to Asia.
- Associate Membership - USD25
- Associate Members shall be nurses, technologists, and physicists who have completed at least three years of practice in cardiovascular imaging. They shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except the right to vote and hold office. They shall be required to pay all dues and assessments.
- Junior Members (Resident, Student) - USD25
- Junior members shall be either in a recognized resident training program for imaging or related fields. Junior Members shall be sponsored by an Ordinary Member in good standing. They shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except the right to vote and hold office. They shall be required to pay all dues and assessments.
* Position
* Institute / Affiliation
* Department
* Address
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* Post / Zip code
* Telephone
(Country code / Area code / Number)
(Country code / Area code / Number)
* Email
Cell Phone
For ASCI CT Perfusion Forum Information
Experience in cardiac CT in years
Experience in CT perfusion in years
Experience in CT perfusion in number of cases
CT scanners with experience for CT perfusion: manufacturer, model
Publications authored or co-authored in CT perfusion and related topics
* Code